

Initiatives • Create a New Faculty Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Begin Fall 2021: Dean, Chairs, Core Committee, Teaching Subcommittee • Write a proposal for faculty financial support from the college for discipline specific teaching conferences. Continue Fall 2021: Dean, Chairs, Teaching Subcommittee

• Participate in Noon Forum – Conduct informal faculty chit-chat about teaching. Begin Fall 2021: Chairs, Core Committee, Teaching Subcommittee CAS Faculty • Promote High-Impact Educational Practices associated with the AACU. Continue Fall 2021: Core Committee, Teaching Subcommittee, Departments


Initiatives • Increase the visibility of faculty and student research through digital displays, newsletters, press releases, and other media. Continue Fall 2021: Dean, Research Subcommittee • Review curriculum/degrees with impactful senior research/scholarship activities to determine what courses/activities make these • Conduct a feasibility study to determine whether all degrees in the College of Arts and Sciences should implement/incorporate research/scholarship into the degree. Provide suggestions to the curriculum committee (see Administration and Assessment). Begin Fall 2021: Research Subcommittee, Chairs, Departments, Advisors • Support opportunities to increase research productivity, such as the College of Arts and Sciences Research Award. Continue to allow two awards each academic year. Continue Fall 2021: Dean, Chairs ENGAGEMENT Initiatives • Develop and Implement campus-wide activity to engage students, faculty, staff, and the community-at-large, e.g., “Wolves on the Green” croquet event, where the College of Arts and Sciences plans and sponsors such an event. Begin Fall 2021: Dean, Engagement Subcommittee, Chairs, Departments, Advisors • Implement College of Arts and Sciences faculty, staff and student social, e.g., ice cream social during “I Hate Winter” festivities. Begin Fall 2021: Dean, Engagement Subcommittee, Chairs, Departments, Advisors • Establish Center for Excellence in Science Education and Research. Begin Fall 2021: Chair of Science and Math, Science Faculty • Work with study abroad, career services, and other student support services to prepare students for success after graduation with an emphasis on opportunities for internships, service learning, international learning opportunities, and graduate school. Continue Fall 2021: Dean, Engagement Subcommittee, Chairs, Departments ADMINISTRATION AND ASSESSMENT Initiatives • Build three committees to oversee activities to build the College. Market said efforts. Such committees include: Summer Programming, Curriculum, and Recruitment-Marketing. Committees will report efforts throughout each academic year. Begin Fall 2021: Dean, Associate Dean, Chairs, Departments • Continue to provide informal opportunities for faculty and staff to communicate, e.g., bimonthly coffee chats and semimonthly emails. Continue Fall 2021: Dean • Supervise strategic planning efforts in alignment with the College and university mission, vision, and values, including regular reporting to the College and other constituencies. Continue Fall 2021: Dean, Core Committee • Review staffing across the College to ensure alignment with curricular development, with initial emphases on Chemistry and Criminal Justice. Continue Fall 2021: Dean, Associate Dean, Chairs, Departments • Continue to support College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Faculty Award. Continue Fall 2021: Dean, Associate Dean, Chairs • Continue to strengthen alumni and donor relationships in partnership with the university Foundation. Continue Fall 2021: Dean, Associate Dean, Chairs • Continue annual, general education, and program-level assessment efforts, using/refining College process where necessary. Continue Fall 2021: Dean, Associate Dean, Chairs, Departments impactful. Work with advisors to promote courses/activities related to research/scholarship. Begin Fall 2021: Dean, Core Committee, Research Subcommittee, Departments, Advisors

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