
For business professional staff referrals, please submit an Employee Referral Form to Lori Kennedy, Director, Talent Acquisition in the HR Department. For legal personnel and lawyer positions, the employee should submit an Employment Referral Form to our Legal Personnel & Attorney Recruiting teams. For Venable Blue positions, the employee should submit an Employee Referral Form to Hayley Osti, Manager, Recruiting and Program Support. Retirement To qualify as a retiree, an employee must be 55 years of age and have at least 10 years of service with Venable. If an employee meets the firm’s definition of a retiree, he/she will receive a retirement gift from the Firm, the amount of which is determined by the employee’s years of service. The amount is prorated for part-time staff.

$500 $750

 10 years of service:  15 years of service:  20 years of service:  25 years of service:


$1,500  30 years of service and every 5-year increment beyond: $2,500


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