INNOVATION September-October 2022

Grow your savings faster with a group TFSA We know you know a lot, but did you know a group tax-free savings account (TFSA) helps you grow your savings faster than a non-registered savings plan from a retail financial institution? That’s why the Engineers Canada-sponsored Financial Security Program offers a group TFSA to help you save more.

Transfer your non-registered investments into your Engineers Canada group TFSA and watch your savings grow.

See how a $5,000 yearly investment pays off after 20 years

The Engineers Canada-sponsored Financial Security Program is exclusive to engineers and geoscientists, as well as their families, across Canada.

Join today

Assumptions: 1,2 6% annual gross growth rate and mid-year annual lump sum contributions are assumed. Ontario HST is applied. 1 Management Expense Ratio MER (%) based on the average Canadian equity mutual funds from Morningstar. 2 Investment Management Fee IMF (%) based on the JF Canadian Equity fund. A plan built just for you.

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