2023 Development Report distilled
Envision Franklin Comprehensive Update
Throughout the year, the Planning and Sustainability Department sought community input for the Envision Franklin Update. This year, there was representaƟon at 18 community events, six public meeƟngs dedicated to the plan update with over 700 aƩendees, a survey with over 1,100 responses, a project webpage, a 650+ person distribuƟon list, and social media touchpoints. A public draŌ of the comprehensive update is currently published on the project webpage and will go to the Franklin Municipal Planning Commission for adopƟon early in 2024.
This year, the Franklin Streetscape project was completed aŌer nearly two decades of planning and designing. These improvements included roadway widening, new bicycle lanes, new sidewalks along both sides of the street, street trees, new street lighƟng, traĸc signal upgrades at Old Liberty Pike and Liberty Pike, burying all overhead uƟliƟes underground, and upgrading/installing sewer and stormwater systems. Franklin Road Streetscape
Williamson County Growth Plan Update
The update to the Williamson County Growth Plan, which impacts each community in Williamson County, oĸcially commenced. This is the Įrst update since 2001 and is in reacƟon to the rapid growth in the area over the last few decades. Franklin proposed the removal of territory within its Urban Growth Boundary in three areas to accommodate the requests of the land owners and to keep the rural character. The three areas are north of New Highway 96 West, along Carter’s Creek Pike and Southall Road, and along US 31 Columbia Pike. The City is also requesƟng the addiƟon of territory in the Goose Creek Basin, east of I-65 along Peytonsville Road and PraƩ Lane. Each jurisdicƟon will ulƟmately have to raƟfy the update to the Growth Plan before it can go into eīect.
AŌer a two-year study by the WayĮnding SubcommiƩee of the City’s Civil War Historical Commission, a new Ňeet of historic markers are being placed around Franklin in 2023 and going into 2024. The SubcommiƩee found that previous signage was in various sizes, colors, shapes, and did not properly direct to the actual Historic Sites. These older signs were also showing signs of wear and tear. These new Historic Markers oīer more direcƟon and easier idenƟĮcaƟon improving the experiences of both locals and tourists alike. WayĮnding
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