
reasonably believe in good faith that such work exposes you, other workers, or the public to an unreasonable risk of exposure, provided you, another employee or representative has notified the Firm verbally or in writing, including electronic communication, of the inconsistent working conditions and the Firm’s failure to cure, or if the Firm knew or should have known of the consistent working conditions.

The full Plan is linked here.

Personal Information Up-to-date, personal information is necessary to ensure proper administration of employee benefits, payroll, and notification in cases of an emergency. It is your responsibility to promptly update your information via Direct Access to notify us of any change in your address, or telephone number. Contact the Benefits Department for changes in marital status, change of emergency contact, number of dependents, beneficiary designation, or anything else that would affect your employee benefits or our ability to quickly contact you. Firm Correspondence Members of Venable’s non-legal staff should not sign their names to any correspondence on Venable letterhead or send any e-mail to an external party without including under the signature line of the letter or indicated at the end of the e-mail below their name an appropriate identification of their position in the Firm. This is to ensure there is no misinterpretation as to whether the sender of the correspondence is an attorney of the Firm.


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