
Public Health Service, the reserve components of each of these services, as well as other service categories spelled out by the President of the United States. Employees taking a military leave should give proper advance verbal or written notice to Venable. Provided that the employees comply with these and certain other requirements, their jobs will be guaranteed for their return for up to five years of military service.

Additional information on employees’ rights under USERRA is posted in each of Venable’s offices.

Employees may have the right to additional leave related to their own or a family member’s covered military service. These are described in the Family and Medical Leave section of this handbook. Military Leave - Denver If you are a member of the Colorado National Guard and the Reserves of the U.S. Armed Forces engaged in training with the armed forces of the United States, you are entitled to up to three weeks of annual leave for certain military service. The leave allotment is calculated based on your regular work schedule for the applicable calendar year. For example, if you typically work three days a week, your leave entitlement would be nine days. You may use any paid accrued unused leave available or take unpaid leave. You will not be required to use paid leave. Upon your return to work, you are entitled to reinstatement and other benefits if you are still qualified to perform the job provided you return to your position as soon as possible after the military service and provide Venable with


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